Welcome to Today on Trail

It’s really not for me to say whether this is a placeholder post.

Welcome to Today on Trail! In the spirit of beginning how I mean to go on, I’m laboriously typing this into my phone with a little folding bluetooth keyboard, the same way I plan to write while I’m hiking. It is working, but I guess I’d say it’s the first of many new experiences I’ll have to get used to in the next few months. I can’t wait to find out what the rest of them are and tell you about them.

The hike starts July 2nd, but I’ll be posting here before then. I’m more or less done collecting my gear, but still deep in my feels about whether it’s the right gear, whether my base weight is too high, and how I’m gonna get through five or six months without my dog Sammy knowing where I went. 

But much more about all that soon. What I really want to say right now is you’ve signed up successfully, thank you, and stay tuned.

The Gossamer Gear Kumo 36, test-packed on literally the first warm spring day.


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